Thursday, 23 June 2011

Hey girls & boys...

So my blogs been pretty quiet lately as I havent been very well. I will however get cracking with some new stuff and will be uploading bits and pieces in the following weeks. Since i've not been well little things have stood out, things I would have otherwise overseen. Things people usually take for granted as they go about their hectic lifestyles. I have felt very inspired, art really is everywhere, it's all around us, life is Art to me.

"There is nothing more beautiful than the ordinary"

For me, when I'm having an off day or im feeling pretty low, art is my pick me up, it takes me to a place where all my troubles dissapear and my mind replaces negativity with inspiration, excitment and love for what I do and enjoy.  I feel like the little girl I used to be, back at nursery, before art became competitive, still with its imperfections, not striving for a 'finished piece'.
As in art I've learnt to realise and appreciate there is no perfection, nor would I want there to be, as things would just be boring and wouldn't leave the viewer wanting to see more and question the story behind the image. I try not to be too precious over any of my work, as then you only become afraid of experimentation, and without it we cannot grow as artists and individuals. 

What I love most is how every drawing can never be identical and how art is so personal, individual and expressionative

"Art is the most intense mode of invidualism that the world has known." Oscar Wilde

wedding cards/pieces of art, to celebrate the special day, Again please do not hesitate getting in touch if you would like something original and a bit different :-)